Monday, 15 June 2015

Prueba 1

Good morning world

Trying to find a way to make the Logo more visible within the home page.

Changed a few things, but they don't seem to have made much difference.  Ideally, I would like to swap out the orange B (blogger logo) for mine wherever possible...

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Delaying a post.

Looking at the feature which lets you schedule your post.  I am writing this at 12.14 on Sunday - going to see if I can publish it at 4pm.  Just for kicks.
This is definitely easy to use and I have managed to work everything out on my own - which is helpful.  Although I am not convinced that my delayed post worked....

Looking at what I can do

This is a picture of a pig.  Just 'cause.  It was pretty easy to get it up here.

This is the trailer for the newest Jurassic film.  It's awesome.  Made me shout out loud in the cinema because I was so excited.  Go see it.  Also easy to upload.  Tried to take some video and upload, but being told that server is currently unavailable.

Hello everyone - and by everyone I mean Gina and Justin...

I am playing around with Blogger - the Google Blog application - to see if it is fit for our purposes at Churchill College. I am almost certain that it is, but will be doing a few testy type things on this practice site to make sure...

I am seeing, for instance that I can set the time for posts to be published - which I think would be quite handy.  Blogger also has several of the features that were used to 'sell' WordPress - I can add labels to my posts (to make them easier to find) and can add different types of media if I want...

Let's see.